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Anatra in porchetta

  • Anatra in porchetta, or more affectionately known as “Nana” in porchetta, is a typical Tuscan roast dish served most frequently in the areas around Arezzo and Siena.

    About the chef:
    This delicious recipe has been kindly shared by Francesco, one of the chefs with whom we work closely to provide traditional culinary experiences for our guests. Francesco learnt this recipe from the cooks he met at fairs and local events.

    Francesco’s top tip: this dish is best cooked using a wood-fired oven if you have one available to you (of course, a normal oven is also fine).

    Serves: 3-4 people
    Cooking time: 2 hours

    1.5kg whole duck (ready to cook), preferably with liver and offal
    Pancetta (or bacon)
    Salt to taste
    Pepper to taste
    Garlic, quantity dependent on your taste
    Dried wild fennel (stems and flowers), alternatively you can just use dried fennel flowers
    Lard or other roasting fat

    1. Preheat the oven to 190° C
    2. Clean the duck, removing any remaining feathers and pat dry
    3. Meanwhile, stir together a teaspoon of salt, generous pinch of pepper and the fennel on a plate
    4. Cut the pancetta into small cubes and roll into the seasoning
    5. Grate or slice the garlic cloves
    6. Cut the offal into small pieces and roll in the lard and garlic, then add to the seasoned pancetta
    7. Stuff the mixture into the duck and sew the opening closed using a large needle and strong white thread
    8. Season the duck with salt and pepper and then place in a roasting pan. Place in the bottom rack of the oven
    9. Cook the duck for about 90 minutes in total. For the last 10 minutes, turn the oven up to 220° C so that the skin becomes crispy
    10. Serve piping hot

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