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Travelling to Tuscany

There is potential for stress in even the best situations, but we each have the means to reduce it. In the case of travelling to Tuscany, we’ve prepared this section of the guide to make the process run as worry-free as possible.

We also have a wealth of advice for navigating the towns and roads within the region. Although public transport in the cities is good, the easiest way to explore the countryside and villages is by car.

The pages below will be your comprehensive information resource on how to keep the stress of travelling to a bare minimum. Whether you’re looking for car hire, taxi services, pet safety or insurance packages, we’ve collated everything you need to know in one convenient place.

Travelling to Tuscany

Renting a car in Tuscany

To make the most of Tuscany we highly recommend having a car. It will allow you to explore the beautiful little hilltop towns, accessible only via tiny roads with breathtaking views, and offers you the freedom to explore the region's scenic countryside at your own pace.

There are plenty of options to hire a car directly from the airport, so you are sure to find the right option to suit your needs.

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This article was crafted by To Tuscany to ensure our guests enjoy the best possible experience during their time in Tuscany. Explore our extensive selection of villas.

Or contact our villa specialist team, who are available to assist you. Click here to get in touch.

At To Tuscany, we understand that you are looking for complete peace of mind when booking your holiday with us. We also understand that your holidays are important to you and, if unforeseen circumstances arise, you want to know that your holidays, and your money, are safe.

For this reason, we regard travel insurance as an essential part of your holiday, so much so that, as stated in our Terms and Conditions, we ask for all members of your travel party to have adequate cover for the duration of your holiday.

Travel Insurance not only helps with any misfortunes you may experience that could impact your holiday but also helps to protect you as a tenant during your stay at one of our rental properties.
Covering for Cancellation and Medical Emergencies
We recommend thoroughly reviewing what is and is not covered by any potential insurance provider to ensure that you have sufficient cover for your trip. As a minimum, you should ensure the cover provides a cancellation protection scheme in the event that you need to cancel your holiday. In addition, you may wish to purchase a plan which covers, including but not limited to: health and medical emergencies, trip interruption and personal belongings.
Covering for Accidental Damage
Whilst you are on holiday, the last thing you want to worry about is paying additional costs for when things don’t quite go to plan. However, accidents do happen and, for this reason, we recommend ensuring your travel insurance policy covers you and anyone in your party for accidental damage during your holiday.
Covering Your Pets
Pets are welcome at many of our villas and apartments (you can find a pet-friendly villa by using the filters in our villa search). When taking your pet with you on holiday, we recommend choosing an insurance policy which covers your pet all the time you are away. As well as medical cover, it is important to consider a policy that will cover any accidental damage or injury caused by your pet during your trip.

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Dietary advice in Italy

Travelling abroad or even dining out in your home town is never easy if you have food allergies or if you have opted for a vegetarian diet. Here To Tuscany provides some tips that you may find helpful during your holiday in Tuscany and while travelling in Italy.

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Your health and safety

This article was crafted by To Tuscany to ensure our guests enjoy the best possible experience during their time in Tuscany. Explore our extensive selection of villas.

Or contact our villa specialist team, who are available to assist you.
Click here to get in touch.

Your health and your safety are our paramount concerns. Together with the To Tuscany villa owners, we have put together some tips to help you stay safe and healthy during your stay.
Swimming Pool Safety and Hygiene Tips
The swimming pools at our Tuscany villas do not have lifeguards, so it’s important to familiarise yourself with the design and the layout of the pool area prior to use. Take into account any depth changes or unusual features. Accidents at the swimming pool can happen when children are exploring soon after arrival. Make sure you know where your children are at all times.

●    Observe the swimming pool rules displayed on any notices around the pool area.
●    Swimming pools at your villa will not be suitable for diving unless otherwise stated.
●    Observe pool opening hours and do not use the pool after dark.
●    Do not swim immediately after eating a meal.
●    Do not swim after drinking alcohol.
●    Do not use the pool if you are suffering from an upset stomach or are feeling unwell.
●    Take a shower before entering the pool.
●    Ensure children use the toilet before using the pool.
●    Young children and babies should wear appropriate swimwear (i.e. pool nappies).
●    Before using the pool, ensure you know how to get help in the event of an emergency.
Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Smoke and Carbon monoxide detectors are not common in Tuscany. We suggest purchasing one to bring with you when you travel, just in case your villa doesn’t have one. To view an example of a portable carbon monoxide detector click here
Review the Safety Features
After you have met your villa’s owner, you are invited to review the safety features at your villa so you know where to find the emergency equipment and safety information relevant to you. If you are unsure how to locate the first aid kit or the fire extinguisher are, ask the villa owner. They will want to make sure you are clear on all safety precautions.
Italian Universal Health Care
Italy benefits from a universal health care Nation Health Service (NHS) system known as the Italian NHS. It's healthcare system is regarded, by World Health Organization's (WHO) ranking, as the 2nd best in the world behind France and according to the WHO Italians have the world's 6th highest life expectancy!
Health Advice European Citizens
Italy is a member of the European Union (EU) as such all EU citizens are entitled to receive medical care from Italian NHS. The Italian NHS staff might ask you for your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) which is issued by EU countries, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and the UK. An EHIC is not a replacement for travel insurance. Make sure you have both before you travel.
Health Advice for Non EU Citizens
If you are not resident in the EU, you are recommended to get private travel insurance. Check the latest Health Advice on Tuscany at your own government's website which should provide regularly updated information on how to stay healthy while traveling abroad, including advice on preventative measures and recommended vaccinations.
Emergency numbers
112 is the general emergency number in Italy for ambulance police & fire.
Direct Connection Numbers:
112 - Carabinieri (Federal police)
113 - Local police (plus ambulance and fire)
115 - Fire department
116 - Roadside assistance A.C.I.
117 - Finance police
118 - Medical emergencies
1515 - Forest fires

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Your Heating and Air Conditioning

This article was crafted by To Tuscany to ensure our guests enjoy the best possible experience during their time in Tuscany. Explore our extensive selection of villas.

Or contact our villa specialist team, who are available to assist you. Click here to get in touch.

No need for confusion. We’ve compiled everything you need to know about your heating and air conditioning into one concise guide. There are three ways in which usage is charged:

1.    Included
This means that all heating and air conditioning charges are included in the weekly rental price. There are no extra fees to pay for these services. Sometimes fuel, electricity and/or air conditioning are included in the price if the usage of said facilities is under a certain allowance. After exceeding said allowance, usage will be charged according to consumption.

2.    Fixed Fee
Otherwise known as Forfait, this means that there is a fee which does not vary depending on usage.

3.    By consumption
This means that the fees will be calculated according to how much the service is used. This is determined by meter readings and charged at a rate specified by the villa’s owners or caretakers. Please note that the prices are not always known to To Tuscany staff.
How to stay cool:
•    Close external doors, windows and shutters on the South side or where the sun comes in. This will prevent warm air and direct sunlight from entering the house.
•    Open doors and windows in the night and early morning to let the cool air in.
•    Switch the ceiling fans to anti-clockwise to draw the hot air upwards.
•    Make sure your sheets are changed during your stay. This will help keep them fresh and cool. [Please note that a change in bed linen may incur an extra charge.]

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Useful Italian Phrases

This article was crafted by To Tuscany to ensure our guests enjoy the best possible experience during their time in Tuscany. Explore our extensive selection of villas. 

Or contact our villa specialist team, who are available to assist you. Click here to get in touch.

Italians are very proud of their country and welcome tourists willingly to try their wonderful food and wine, to experience their culture and to speak a bit of their language… They just love it. The fathers of modern Italian were Dante, Manzoni and television. Each did his part in creating a national language putting together an infinity of regional and local dialects.

Thank you..............................Grazie 
Do you speak English?...........Parla inglese?
You are welcome....................Prego 
I don’t understand..................Non capisco
Excuse me?...........................Mi scusi
I am English...........................Io sono inglese
Excuse me (may i pass).........Permesso
Yes / No / Please...................Si / No / per favore
How are you?........................Come sta?
Fine, thank you......................Bene grazie
Good morning.......................Buon giorno
Good evening........................Buona sera
Good night............................Buona notte
Good bye..............................Arrivederci
What time is it?.....................Che ora è?
How much does it cost?.........Quanto costa? 
Where is it?...........................Dove è?
Could you assist me?..............Potrebbe aiutarmi?
I don’t know...........................Non lo so
All right..................................Va bene 
It doesn’t matter.....................Non importa
I am lost ................................Mi sono perso
I am tired ..............................Sono stanco
I am hungry............................Ho fame
I am sleepy.............................Ho sonno
I am thirsty.............................Ho sete
I am ill....................................Mi sento male
I am sorry...............................Mi dispiace
Leave me alone.......................Lasciami in pace
I would like............................Vorrei
I want....................................Voglio
please....................................Per favore
one way (ticket)………..........Andata
return ticket..........................Andata e ritorno
bus stop................................Fermata
one way (street)....................Senso unico
too much..............................Troppo
good luck.............................Buona fortuna
parla lentamente....................Speak slowly
What is your name?..............Come si chiama?

No smoking......................Vietato fumare
Entrance...........................Entrata / Ingresso
Entrance (trains /buses)...Salita   
Exit (trains / buses)...........Uscita
Do not touch....................Non toccare
Toilet...............................W.C / Bagno
Ladies..............................Donne / Signore   
Gents...............................Uomini / Signori
Not drinkable water.........Acqua non portabile

CH is pronounced K
CI is pronounced CH
C + Vowel is pronounced CHI / CHE
CA is pronounced as in English

Uno  -  one 
Due -  two
Tre - three
Quattro - four
Cinque - five
Sei - six
Sette - seven
Otto - eight
Nove - nine
Dieci - ten
venti - twenty
trenta - thirty
quaranta - forty
cinquanta - fifty
sessanta - sixty
settanta - seventy
ottanta - eighty
novanta - ninety
cento - hundred
milione - million

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Taking your Dog on holiday

This article was crafted by To Tuscany to ensure our guests enjoy the best possible experience during their time in Tuscany. Explore our extensive selection of villas.

Or contact our villa specialist team, who are available to assist you. Click here to get in touch.

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Public transport Tuscany

This article was crafted by To Tuscany to ensure our guests enjoy the best possible experience during their time in Tuscany. Explore our extensive selection of villas

Or contact our villa specialist team, who are available to assist you. Click here to get in touch.

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Driving in Tuscany

Driving in Tuscany offers an unparalleled way to explore the region's picturesque landscapes and charming towns at your own pace. Whether taking your own vehicle or hiring a car, driving provides the best access to everything Tuscany has to offer - from beautiful hilltop towns offering traditional restaurants to unique, local attractions.

Having a car means you can come and go as you please, so when you are ready to venture away from your villa's pool, you can visit some of the beautiful historic towns and villages completely at your leisure. Experience the freedom of the open road, where every turn reveals breathtaking vistas and the opportunity to discover Tuscany's rich cultural heritage.

Why not travel to Tuscany and see why we love it so much! Find your perfect Tuscan villa today and browse our collection.

Contact our Villa Specialists, who can help you find the ultimate Tuscan villa tailored to you.

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Local Customs Tuscany

This article was crafted by To Tuscany to ensure our guests enjoy the best possible experience during their time in Tuscany. Explore our extensive selection of villas

Or contact our villa specialist team, who are available to assist you.
Click here to get in touch.

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Keep Your Villa Secure

This article was crafted by To Tuscany to ensure our guests enjoy the best possible experience during their time in Tuscany. Explore our extensive selection of villas.

Or contact our villa specialist team, who are available to assist you.
Click here to get in touch.

We advise that you keep your villa as secure as you would your own home. Vigilance doesn’t have to get in the way of a great time, so we’ve compiled some easy ideas for keeping your villa safe.
● Ensure all windows, shutters and doors are locked. This applies at night, when you’re out during the day, and even when you’re at the pool.
● If your villa has an alarm, make use of it. You can usually set alarms for when you are not at the villa, and during sleeping hours.
● We recommend that you do not bring expensive items of jewellery with you when you travel. However, any valuable items you do bring should be kept out of sight in order to discourage opportunists. Otherwise, they should be kept in the villa’s safe.
● If you are not satisfied with the current security arrangements at your villa, please contact us as soon as possible.
Contents insurance
Please check that you have sufficient contents insurance cover for any valuables and cash you may have with you. It is advisable that you have access to duplicate copies of your personal documents, including your passport and driving license. This will be extremely useful if the original documents are lost or stolen.
Contact us
In the unlikely event of a robbery at your villa, please contact us immediately and we will do our best to help you with the necessary procedures. This security guide is to enable you to safeguard yourself and your property in the event of unlikely misfortune. In other words, its purpose is not to worry you, but to help you enjoy your holiday without fear.
Be safe, don’t be scared - and most importantly, enjoy yourself in Tuscany!

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Power Adapters

This article was crafted by To Tuscany to ensure our guests enjoy the best possible experience during their time in Tuscany. Explore our extensive selection of villas

Or contact our villa specialist team, who are available to assist you.
Click here to get in touch.

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Drinking water

This article was crafted by To Tuscany to ensure our guests enjoy the best possible experience during their time in Tuscany. Explore our extensive selection of villas

Or contact our villa specialist team, who are available to assist you.
Click here to get in touch.

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Sustainable Tourism

Valuing a sustainable approach to travel has always been second nature to To Tuscany, and in our eyes, it is a collaborative effort. It is vital that we work together with guests and providers towards a sustainable future in which we can travel responsibly.

We are passionate, proactive, and we work closely with local authorities. We pride ourselves on our local knowledge and expertise to help you, our valued guests, better understand Tuscany, its natural beauty, and the ways in which we can minimise our impact on nature.

It is a partnership between us, our guests, and our providers, all working together towards a common goal. For this reason, we are always open to new suggestions and ideas. Please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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This article was crafted by To Tuscany to ensure our guests enjoy the best possible experience during their time in Tuscany. Explore our extensive selection of villas

Or contact our villa specialist team, who are available to assist you. Click here to get in touch.

Each country has their own method of recycling and in Italy it works a little differently to others.
Recycling is an effective method of reducing landfill and the level of toxic materials being deposited in the ground and our seas. If materials can be recycled, reused and transformed into new products – it all helps in the long run.

To best prepare you for your trip, here are a few key points to remember:
In Tuscany, they do not usually have door to door recycling bin collection. Each residential area has a central location with communal recycling bins.

•   Yellow bin – cardboard and paper
•   Brown bin – organic waste / food waste
•   Green (cylindrical) – ‘multimateriale’ - glass, plastic and cans
•   Grey / Green bin – household waste

The latest innovation in Tuscany which has been recently announced is the concept of using a card to access the recycling bins. The bins will be electronically operated and access will only be granted to those in possession of a card (each household is provided with one). The owner of your villa will ensure you are equipped with a card.

This is a very exciting project and an inventive approach to recycling that we are looking forward to following as it develops!

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