The Senese Valdelsa Chianti bike Cycling Tour - self-guided ride
Castellina in Chianti (578m) – Castagnoli (427 m) – Bivio Talciona (150m) – Church of Sant’ Agnese (410m) – Castellina in Chianti
Distance: 41km
Time: 4 hours
Road surface: Unpaved for about half the ride, then on quiet asphalt roads.
Difficulty: Requires average athletic preparation. Several steep ascents of medium intensity in the re-ascent to Castellina.
Route: This mountain-bike ride starts and finishes at Castellina in Chianti via the State Road for Poggibonsi. After 2km turn off for the castle at Castagnoli. When the asphalt ends, the wide dirt road descends into lovely countryside, with views across the Staggia and Elsa valleys.
Soon, you’ll come upon several hairpin bends; take great care because it’s easy to lose your balance on the very steep slope and gravel roadbed. Close to Villa Rosa and Gretole, the route appears to follow flat ground yet crosses a ridge with views across the fields. Continue on asphalt until reaching a crossroads signposted for Talciona.
After looking around Talciona, return to the crossroads and head uphill to admire the little presbytery of Santa Maria, which has an architrave sculpted in 1234, bearing a rough but charming Adoration of the Magi. Continue uphill along the little asphalt road that soon becomes a track, in the direction of Villore. The unpaved road meets the State Road from Poggibonsi on a bend. Here, head towards Castellina to finish the ride.