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Photo Competition 2011


    Congratulations to Markus Pesendorfer from Austria who has emerged as the winner of the To Tuscany 2011 Photocompetition with his delightful photo of his children sitting on the steps of a Trullo.

    We have really enjoyed seeing all the votes coming in on our ‘live vote’ buttons. Of course the votes had to be checked to ensure it was a fair competition and any multiple votes were removed, this is why some of the numbers have changed so much.

    The top 5 photos are below. Underneath these are all the other entries which are in alphabetical order according to first name.

    Our fantastic prizes are being sent to the winners and we would like thank everyone for entering their photos and also for voting. We hope it has inspired those of you travelling with us this year to enter the competition for 2012!

    For any enquiries, please contact

    You can view all of the competition entries for this year (and every year since we started it in 2007) on the To Tuscany Flickr photo account

  • Prizes:

    First prize -
    Nikon S9100 Coolpix compact digital camera or a voucher for 250 Euros off a 2012 To Tuscany holiday.
    Second prize - Nikon S3100 Coolpix compact digital camera
    Third prize -  Nikon S3100 Coolpix compact digital camera
    Consolation prizes will be awarded to the 4th and 5th place entries
    (There are no cash alternatives for the prizes awarded)

  • Markus Pesendorfer 2133GK


    Markus Pesendorfer 2133GK


    177 people have voted for this photo

  • Nicholas A Read 533PP


    Nicholas A Read 533PP

    Inizio del pranzo

    129 people have voted for this photo

  • Dominique Cassart 1103VB


    Dominique Cassart 1103VB

    Sunrise on the vineyards

    127 people have voted for this photo

  • Hanka Cendrowska 2505PL - photo 1


    Hanka Cendrowska 2505PL

    Tuscany Infinity
    The picture was taken in the neighborhood of the Villa Rosa, from the narrow way between wine yards not shown on or maps.

    102 people have voted for this photo

  • Laura Jansen 1964NL


    Laura Jansen 1964NL

    Uitzicht vanuit Fattoria la Pieve op hun eigen olijfboomgaard
    Do I need to say more ...

    Sun and olives, a delicious Tuscan combination!

    93 people have voted for this photo


  • Alain Hyron 2322VB

    Alain Hyron 2322VB

    A Florence La pause, pour un homme-statue!
    Le temps d'un cliché Piazza Del Grano, mon épouse à ses côtés, un homme statue magique me fit voyager dans un autre âge. Sa rencontre fortuite deux heures après,
    à la terrasse d'un restaurant d'une ruelle florentine, me fit cette fois l'effet d'un "retour vers le futur numéro 4"!

    18 people have voted for this photo

  • Alexina Lodge 665PP

    Alexina Lodge 665PP

    Easter Cows In Florence

    3 people have voted for this photo

  • Andreas Brandt 810GK

    Andreas Brandt 810GK


    31 people have voted for this photo

  • Anita Haggenmiller 767GK

    Anita Haggenmiller 767GK

    Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag....

    8 people have voted for this photo

  • Anne Palmer 63PP

    Anne Palmer 63PP

    Blue door, yellow sunflower, Volpaia
    I took this photo whilst we were mooching around the beautiful hilltop village of Volpaia, near Radda, waiting for a table to become available for lunch on the terrace of the wonderful La Bottega restaurant. I loved the contrast of the cool blue door and the bright yellow sunflowers.

    25 people have voted for this photo

  • Aoife O'Donnell 68EF

    Aoife O'Donnell 68EF

    The final stretch to Volpaia
    An idyllic walk in the sun-bathed Tuscan countryside, little did Aoife know I was carrying the engagement ring in my pocket, waiting for the perfect moment.......Darach.

    54 people have voted for this photo

  • Bettina & Michael Voss 2194GK

    Bettina & Michael Voss 2194GK

    Great Wall of China in Chianti

    3 people have voted for this photo

  • Barney Stephens 2177LP

    Barney Stephens 2177LP

    Reflections of Florence

    0 people have voted for this photo

  • Bettina and Gleb Shilov 273GK

    Bettina and Gleb Shilov 273GK

    Romantisches Abendessen auf unserer Terrasse

    1 people have voted for this photo

  • Birgit Hoffmeyer 1110PP

    Birgit Hoffmeyer 1110PP

     Italien forår
    Good "Lock" with Love. Spring 2011 in Firenze.

    2 people have voted for this photo

  • Carla Hart 1201SS

    Carla Hart 1201SS

    Monteboni – Vineyard

    1 people have voted for this photo

  • Cheryl Driscoll 274PP

    Cheryl Driscoll 274PP

    Evening fun at Villa Colle di Sotto

    1 people have voted for this photo

  • Claudia + Rene Angerer 329GK

    Claudia + Rene Angerer 329GK

    Toskanische Landschaft

    1 people have voted for this photo

  • David Mallinson 73PP

    David Mallinson 73PP

    As old as me - precious Chianti at La Bottega di Coltibuoni, Badia a Coltibuoni
    We visited the 1,000 year old Coltibuoni estate for a tour and wine tasting whist staying at Villa Sturchi in the Spring.  The cellars had wines dating back years so couldn't resist a photo of the '61 vintage but unfortunately was not allowed a sample of this precious Chianti.

    12 people have voted for this photo

  • Dawn and Richard Crake 352LP

    Dawn and Richard Crake 352LP

    Window on Siena

    1 people have voted for this photo

  • Dedi Schweizer 1513GK

    Dedi Schweizer 1513GK

    Fratelli d'Italia

    1 people have voted for this photo

  • Dennis Gibbons 006SS

    Dennis Gibbons 006SS

    No way, I'm sure our husbands went that way!

    2 people have voted for this photo

  • Donna Casbon 0295PP

    Donna Casbon 0295PP

    Rain Rain Go Away

    0 people have voted for this photo

  • Eddy Woudenberg 679NL

    Eddy Woudenberg 679NL

    Road from the movie Gladiator, Le Crete, Siena

    28 people have voted for this photo

  • Elaine Wong 661PP

    Elaine Wong 661PP

    Art and artist as one in Florence

    8 people have voted for this photo

  • Elke Schmidt 1151GK

    Elke Schmidt 1151GK

    Veccio Fienile

    3 people have voted for this photo

  • Eleanor Fiddler 356PP

    Eleanor Fiddler 356PP

    Fun in the Pool
    Enjoying the gorgeous pool at the villa - ring on, suncream on, smile on!

    1 people have voted for this photo

  • Fiona Dick 2175PP

    Fiona Dick 2175PP

    Ragnaia view
    After a hair-raising drive on an especially rutted and skiddy strada bianca, all the more delight to arrive at the Cantina di Rignana, eat
    magical food and savour this classic Chianti view as we sipped our chilled Rose wine. Bliss.

    2 people have voted for this photo

  • Gerd-Michael Klemm 1637GK

    Gerd-Michael Klemm 1637GK

    Firenze 2011 David und Noah mit Christa

    1 people have voted for this photo

  • Ian Jones 640PP

    Ian Jones 640PP

    Afternoon tipple

    3 people have voted for this photo

  • Jonny Acheson 661PP

    Jonny Acheson 661PP

    I spy with my little eye

    0 people have voted for this photo

  • Julia DeMont 876DC

    Julia DeMont 876DC

    The beautiful blue sea at Monte Argentario
    We left the chillier April temperatures of our villa in the Tuscan hills to discover the wonderful warmth of the sea at Monte Argentario. When I called to my daughter, she turned and lamented not having brought her swimsuit. She later happily waded in the water with our grandson Giacomo.

    0 people have voted for this photo

  • Katy Lowe 670LP

    Katy Lowe 670LP

    Tuscan Vines

    1 people have voted for this photo

  • Kenneth Wye 508PP

    Kenneth Wye 508PP

    Allo Allo whats going on here then
    Men – and one lady - of the local Polizia Municipale of Siena taking a leisurely stroll (as if they owned the place!) along the prepared Palio track before the big race.

    0 people have voted for this photo

  • Leila Heim 558DC

    Leila Heim 558DC

    Catholic Priests strolling in Siena

    7 people have voted for this photo

  • Lesley Henderson 1816PP

    Lesley Henderson 1816PP

    Tractor amongst the grapes, Castello Di Brolio, Chianti
    Whilst visiting Castello di Brolio in Chianti during June 2011, I spotted a lonely tractor in the distance, completely engulfed by the rows and rows of vines.

    3 people have voted for this photo

  • Lynn Joels 1202LP

    Lynn Joels 1202LP

    The stair case in the tower in Siena piazza

    1 people have voted for this photo

  • Marcel Belet 637GK

    Marcel Belet 637GK

    Die Sonne auf Erden

    2 people have voted for this photo

  • Ollie La Chance 24DC

    Ollie La Chance 24DC

    Wine Sunset in Castellina

    1 people have voted for this photo

  • Pascal Laroche 1061VB

    Pascal Laroche 1061VB

    Florence - Love padlocks
    Pontevecchio. Tendre tradition. Cette jolie jeune fille verrouille, parmi des centaines d’autres, son « cadenas d’amour »  symbolisant ainsi son attachement à l’être aimé. Et visiblement ça la rend heureuse. Un petit soleil sous la grisaille ce jour de juillet.

    24 people have voted for this photo

  • Paul Bradbury 718PP

    Paul Bradbury 718PP

    Medieval Busking In San Gimignano
    This photo represents how we felt at the time, strolling around a timeless historic town, relaxing and taking time out to watch talented musicians playing medieval instruments and music felt so natural. We spent ages just soaking up the atmosphere ; enormously relaxing.

    21 people have voted for this photo

  • Peter Vogt 22GK

    Peter Vogt 22GK

    Water stop

    2 people have voted for this photo

  • Philip Townsend 1328SS

    Philip Townsend 1328SS

    A Secret Invitation
    Not many can pass the gates of the walled city of Montepulciano without being drawn inside.  For those able to resist it’s medieval, Renaissance allure, this side entrance, near the main gate is sure to change their mind.  After all, who can resist exploring a “secret” passageway?

    29 people have voted for this photo

  • Raimund Binnewies 928GK

    Raimund Binnewies 928GK

    Am Monte Marie

    3 people have voted for this photo

  • Rainer Bauer 85GK

    Rainer Bauer 85GK

    Unterwegs zum Weingut Rocca Delle Macie, Castellina in Chianti

    20 people have voted for this photo

  • Renate Raisch 69GK

    Renate Raisch 69GK

    Abenteuerfahrt nach dem Navigationsgerät nach Volterra. Auf einem Feldweg gelandet, wo nur Schafe unseren Weg kreuzten

    3 people have voted for this photo

  • Richard Kwocz 398VB

    Richard Kwocz 398VB

    Escalier de la tour de Pise

    29 people have voted for this photo

  • Robyn Larkin 147DC

    Robyn Larkin 147DC

    Morning ablutions in the Fonte Gaia

    2 people have voted for this photo

  • Rose Priestly 1273PP

    Rose Priestly 1273PP

    Harvest at Nonno Tonio, Mercatale

    0 people have voted for this photo

  • Sonny Craig 1247DC

    Sonny Craig 1247DC

    Tuscan Moon
    I was staying with my wife and four other couples at a Villa outside Castille San Gimiagno. We were outside enjoying local wine and a beautiful moon. The largest moon I have ever seen (the harvest/Equinox Moon). Awesome! We loved Tuscany. I can't wait to go back.

    3 people have voted for this photo

  • Stuart Webster 1636PP

    Stuart Webster 1636PP

    De Miccoli Siena

    4 people have voted for this photo

  • Sue Dymond 322LP

    Sue Dymond 322LP

    Top of tower - San Gimignano

    1 people have voted for this photo

  • The Mitchell Family 661PP

    The Mitchell Family 661PP

    Vespa delivery in Casole d'Elsa

    2 people have voted for this photo

  • Wally Terry 1247DC

    Wally Terry 1247DC

    The Hills are alive

    17 people have voted for this photo

  • Waltraud Stephan 2351GK

    Waltraud Stephan 2351GK

    Sofort hochgeklettert mit einer geradezu kindlichen Freude...

    1 people have voted for this photo

  • Wolfgang Gothier 107GK

    Wolfgang Gothier 107GK

    Mittelalterfest in San Gimignano

    4 people have voted for this photo

  • Wolfgang Haserodt 337GK

    Wolfgang Haserodt 337GK

    Der grüne Drachen im giardino dei tarocchi

    0 people have voted for this photo

  • Xavier Lhuissiere 942VB

    Xavier Lhuissiere 942VB

    Quelle vie de cheval dans les rues de Florence ! on y trouve même un Mac-drive !

    3 people have voted for this photo

  • Prizes:

    First prize 
    - Nikon S9100 Coolpix compact digital camera or a voucher for 250 Euros off a 2012 To Tuscany holiday.
    Second prize - Nikon S3100 Coolpix compact digital camera
    Third prize -  Nikon S3100 Coolpix compact digital camera 
    Consolation prizes will be awarded to the 4th and 5th place entries
    (There are no cash alternatives for the prizes awarded)

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