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  • Supermarkets - There are is a large Coop supermarket in Via A Diaz 31. This normally has opening hours from 07.30 to 20.30, however for complete upto date opening times click here to visit their website

    Banks - There are various banks with cash dispensers that accept Credit Cards. Banks are open in the mornings.

    Mass - There are a number of Churches in Colle which have regular masses.

    Petrol -There are several petrol stations that operate a 24 hour machine service, you will need a 5, 10 or 20 Euro note when they are closed. They are normally open Monday to Saturday 07.30/12.30 and 15.30/19.30

    Chemist - There are a few chemists in Colle. On Sundays and holidays there will be only one open, you can find out which by checking a notice that is found outside all chemists.

    Markets - There is a market in the new town on Friday mornings.

    Colle is famous for crystal so this is the place to shop around and go to a few factory shops to buy your crystal.

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